Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Education Registration

UPDATE: For my DCP Spring 2015, I will once again be doing the Entertainment Show Production Professional Development Study. That is the only class I plan to take, and I am so excited about it! Not much changed in the way they have participants register for classes since my DCP Spring 2013, so feel free to read about those details below. I can't wait to start my program!


I found out registration for the courses was open from other DCP people on facebook, so I actually registered for he classes I wanted to take before I even got an e-mail about it. Pretending that's not what happened though, on November 20th at 2:23 PM (about 2 months after I was accepted into the program), I received an "Education Opportunities" e-mail:

That e-mail is how you will most likely find out when you can register for classes. Once you do get the e-mail and follow the instructions given, you can register for the different courses. However, in my experience of the DCP right now, it is a rule that you can only take up to 2 of the courses the DCP has to offer. If you want to see a full list of the classes, syllabi, and videos, go to this link on the DCP website:

If that link doesn't work for some reason, this is what the list looked like for my DCP experience: 

Collegiate Courses:

Advanced Studies in Hospitality Management
The objective of this course is to prepare students to become entry-level managers in the Hospitality industry by exposing them to contemporary and complex operational issues and situations and equipping them with the ability to analyze problems and develop, propose and implement strategic solutions. Some of the topics covered include guest service, strategic planning, international tourism, human resource management, among others.

Corporate Analysis
This course provides an organizational exploration of The Walt Disney Company and covers a variety of topics including its corporate history, structure, governance, performance, and culture. In addition, students will learn more about our Company's concepts around innovation & technology, globalization, history & heritage, community responsibility, and diversity & inclusion.

Corporate Communication
This course is designed to introduce the students to the purpose and significance of communication within an organization at many levels. Students will learn both the why and how of communicative techniques as organizations interface with customers, employees, and the public. As a result, students should have greater understanding of and appreciation for the corporate communicative process.

Creativity and Innovation
This course introduces students to the main theories of Creativity and Innovation. Students will learn various tools to promote creativity within themselves and others, processes to increase innovation, how to contribute to a creative team, how to manage creativity and how to establish a culture of creativity within an organization. As a result, students should have greater understanding of and appreciation for the creative/innovative process and be better able to harness and direct those forces for themselves and others.

Experiential Learning
This course combines academic classroom education with on-site learning opportunities across the Walt Disney World® Resort. Participants study theories of adult education, experiential learning, and the role of learning in a corporate environment. Directed activities include diversity, self-directed learning, career exploration, community volunteer activities, and the exploration of education in entertainment.

Human Resource Management
This course provides an overview of fundamental human resource management in a corporate setting. The focus is on the fundamentals of Human Resource Management including: Equal Employment Opportunity, employee rights and labor relations, recruiting and the foundations of selection, employee development, performance evaluation, rewards, benefits, safety and health programs.

Interactive Learning Program
The program is based on Disney and four success factors: heritage, technology, communication, and leadership. There are in-class meetings, field experiences, and self-directed learning sessions. Students will complete a variety of assignments including researching corporate partnerships within our Theme Parks and Resorts.

Marketing You
Through participation in this course students learn how to market their skills of communication, customer service, problem solving, conflict resolution, decision-making, self-management, and creative thinking. Key elements include the development of a career focus and a personal marketing plan that encompasses the creation of a cover letter, Resume/CV, and networking strategy.

Organizational Leadership
This course analyzes the universal principles of leadership theory and their application within a personal and corporate environment. Instruction is designed to build repeatable and transferable leadership knowledge and skills.

Disney Exploration Series

Exploring Disney Heritage
Take a journey back in time discovering the roots of Disney. Learn about Walt's vision through exploring historical milestones.

Exploring Guest Service
Discover why Hospitality is the hallmark of the Walt Disney World® Resort. Throughout our theme parks and resorts, we strive to satisfy and delight our Guests in the world's most hospitable vacation destination.

Exploring Leadership
Discover how our leaders balance the needs of Cast, Guest and Business to create the most magical place on earth, and learn about different leadership styles.

Exploring Marketing
Gain a deeper understanding of how we maintain customer loyalty by both staying true to our brand and marketing our new Guest experiences.

Exploring People Management
Learn how the functions of Human Resources play a huge role in developing the over 50,000 employees and Cast Members of the Walt Disney World® Resort.

Professional Development Studies

The Engineering Professional Development Study offers Engineering students the unique opportunity to explore technical careers at the Walt Disney World® Resort. Disney Engineering professionals share real-world experiences in areas such as Transportation Maintenance, Energy Services, Ride and Show Engineering, and Central Shops.

Entertainment Show Production
The Entertainment Show Production Professional Development Study offers students majoring in performing arts, theater or show production an opportunity to explore how the Walt Disney World® Resort develops, implements, and maintains their productions. Specific topics include Business Planning & Creative Investigation, Concept Development, Show Development, Production & Opening, and Operations.

During the Finance Professional Development Study, students will learn about Forecasting & Trend Analysis, Operating & Capital Planning, and Pro Forma Development. This course is major-specific and offered to business and accounting students. We recommend that students who take this course already have completed an accounting class at their home institution, although this is not a requirement.

In the Security Professional Development Study, students will learn about include Fraud & Loss Prevention, Emergency Management, Incident Command and Sports Event Security. This course is major-specific and offered to students majoring Criminal Justice, Criminology, Law Enforcement, Psychology, Sociology, and Political Science. 

After looking at all my choices, I decided to register for "Creativity and Innovation" and "Entertainment Show Production." I chose those 2 because I would love to be more creative in general and because right now all my future career goals revolve around Production (Set & Lighting) Design. After I did what I needed to to actually register, I had to pay a fee ($24 I think) for the textbook/materials I'll be getting when I take "Creativity and Innovation." The "Entertainment Show Production" is a different story because you are actually "waitlisted" when you apply for that course. This is because it is only offered to students in preforming arts majors, so Disney must have a chance to check whether you are an in the right major and if there are enough spots in the class before officially offering it to you. After you register for classes, you should get a n "Education Course Registration Confirmation" e-mail like I did November 12th at 1:17 PM after registering for the classes earlier that day:

After waiting for a long time, I finally got an e-mail on December 14th at 1:46 PM titled "Entertainment Show Production Professional Development Study Enrollment Status":

I'm not going to lie - I REALLY wanted to get into this class, so getting this e-mail was AWESOME! I freaked out and was SUPER EXCITED! Anyway, that pretty much wraps up this post. 

How colleges will accept/transfer credits from taking DCP classes? 
Depends! You need to talk to the college you're going to be a student at while in the program. Lots of DCP students are taking online classes at their colleges while doing the DCP. I am transferring between colleges while doing the DCP, so I know I'm not going to get any credits doing the classes I'm doing, but I'm ok with that! Because of the high school I went to, I graduated high school with 50 college credits and after one semester I now have an Associate in Arts from Central Piedmont Community College. I plan to transfer to University of North Carolina at Wilmington to major in Theatre with a focus in Design and Technology. At this point in my life, I can afford to kind of "take a semester off" and do this internship. Anyway, that's why I'm ok with not getting any credits for what I'm doing. Every DCP student has a different situation regarding what classes they are taking and what they are or aren't getting credit for, especially since getting college credits really depends on what your college will take and what major you're in and classes you want to take. I hope all this information helps! Have a magical day!

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